Monday, December 31, 2007

New notice re: Golden Ave.

A new sign has appeared at the corner of Golden and Byron.

It reads:

To consider an Application for Minor Variances to permit a driveway for access to the underground parking garage in a leisure zone, two reduced parking space lengths in the underground parking garage and an encroachment into the required sight triangle located at the southeast corner of Richmond Road and Golden Avenue.

Re: 401 Golden Ave & 416-426 Richmond Road will be heard on Wednesday, January 16 2008 starting at 1:00 p.m. Ben Franklin Place, The Chamber, 101 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa

[end of text]

That's only two weeks away. Anyone who is interested in this issue should be at that meeting.

Monday, December 24, 2007

May the joy and happiness of the holiday season be with you always

See you in 2008!


andrea tomkins,
on behalf of the Westboro Community Association

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Closing of Canadian Tire?

While many of us assumed that the Canadian Tire on Richmond Road would be closing with the opening of the supersized one* on Carling and Cole, many are also wondering if might happen sooner than later.

Surveyors have been seen working around the Richmond Road location. Rumour has it the store is closing January 9, 2008. No one seems to be sure if the two are related. Anyone out there able to verify? And what about the closing of the Canadian Tire. Will it affect you, or not?
* This project consists of a two storey retail complex which will include a 9,300 square meter elevated Canadian Tire store built on a suspended concrete slab. A 1,600 square metre undesignated CRU space (5 units, one in a separate building), all at grade as well as a 1,250 square metre designated CRU space - Mark's Work Warehouse at grade (base building only). 351 parking stalls will be added both under the building at grade and exterior to footprint with full development of a 6.0
acre site. (source)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

No parking meters for Westboro

Westboro is going to be parking-meter free - at least for the time being - but anyone shopping a few blocks East in the West Wellington area will have to arm themselves with a roll of quarters.

Read the full story about the budget and the parking meter at the Ottawa Business Journal website.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Important update re: proposed closure of Golden

It wouldn't be a proper discussion without a site plan, would it?

A detailed site plan has recently been obtained from the Planning Department.

Here it is in PDF format.

It is dated October 12.

This site plan was not available for view at the public consultation on December 5th. Note the site plan identifies an appropriation of city-owned land to the west of Golden.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Letter from the WCA to Councillor Christine Leadman re: Golden closure

Christine Leadman
Councillor, Kitchissipi Ward
City of Ottawa
111 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa ON K1P 1J1

By e-mail:

Re: Golden Avenue closure

Dear Ms Leadman:

Thank you for organizing the public information session on December 5, 2007 regarding the proposal to close a portion of Golden Avenue between Byron and Richmond Road. Several members of the Westboro Community Association Board of Directors were in attendance. Based on our observations, feedback we have been receiving directly from residents, and further discussion as a board, we wish to raise the following points:

1. The large turnout and number of speakers are a clear indication of the high degree of interest in and concern about this issue among residents of Westboro. Based on the opinions that were expressed as well as the show-of-hands exercise conducted towards the end of the meeting, it appears to us that a majority of those in attendance were opposed to the proposed closure based on the information that has been provided to date.

2. The Westboro Community Association (WCA) has a number of specific concerns regarding the proposal itself as well as the process employed to date, including:

a. the potential negative impact of diverted traffic onto adjacent residential streets and intersections (ex. Roosevelt, Broadview and their respective intersections at Byron);

b. disruption to Westboro’s existing traditional grid street pattern;

c. increased traffic volume and congestion on Richmond Road due to the relocation of the entrance to the Westboro Station development from Byron Avenue. This could also worsen existing problems at the Berkley/Richmond intersection that have already been raised by residents at the WCA community forum you attended a few weeks ago;

d. the preliminary findings of the Westboro/Highland Park/McKellar Park Traffic Management Plan do not support or recommend closure of Golden (or any other major traffic management measures) as volumes do not warrant it;

e. closure of Golden is not part of the Richmond Road Community Design Plan;

f. lack of detailed information: the two conceptual drawings presented at the meeting did not provide sufficient detail on the full scope of the proposal and city staff were not present to answer questions from residents.

3. We are concerned that this proposal appears to have been initiated by a relatively small number of residents of Golden Avenue and that the timeline for its consideration by the broader community is being driven primarily by the approaching start of construction on the Westboro Station development. It also concerns us that it is being treated in isolation rather than in conjunction with the broader traffic planning challenges that we are presently facing within Westboro. If this proposal is to be considered further, we request that it be examined within the context of the ongoing Traffic Management Plan process. That process already includes provisions for future public open houses to solicit community feedback.

Members of our Board are available to speak with you or representatives of the City about this matter further. We understand that you are planning another community meeting in the New Year regarding Golden Avenue. We look forward to hearing from you with respect to details of that session.


Wallace Beaton, Chair, Westboro Community Association
Cherolyn Knapp, Vice-Chair, Westboro Community Association

cc. WCA Board Members
Nancy Schepers, Planning, Transit & Environment Department, City of Ottawa,
Douglas James, Planning Branch, City of Ottawa
Suzanne Woo, Traffic & Parking Operations Branch, City of Ottawa


[end of letter]

As always, we at the WCA welcome your feedback. Please use the "comments" function (below) and share your thoughts, questions, and comments.

Were you at the December 5 meeting? What are your thoughts about the proposed street closure? What, if any, are your concerns?

Monday, December 10, 2007

Brief de-brief re: the November community forum

The Westboro Community Association's community forum on November 20 was well-attended. Thank you to all of you who came out that evening.

This was our first community event following our AGM in September and we were very pleased with the outcome. Our goal was to provide an opportunity for community members to give the Board of Directors guidance to help us prioritize our tasks for the coming year.

Kitchissippi Ward Councillor Christine Leadman was also in attendance.

Although there are many issues that affect Westboro today, the issue of traffic emerged as the top concern for Westboro residents. Smaller scale traffic-related issues which affect individual residents were all discussed, but it was made clear we need to look at the big picture as well. Business development, increased traffic volume, parking, public transit – these issues are all interrelated and affect each other.

Some of the issues raised included:

  • The Exchange: problems turning on to Richmond from Berkley
  • Westboro Station: impact on nearby residential streets, proposed closure of Golden.
  • Athlone at Scott: speeding and pedestrian safely
  • Eden at Richmond: lack of proper signage
  • Edison/Avondate: impact of residential intensification

The WCA has formed a transportation committee with a sub-committee to cover traffic issues. Our aim is to (a) educate ourselves on these issues to the best of our abilities and (b) best represent Westboro's interests to Councillor Leadman and to the City of Ottawa.

If you are interested in traffic/transportation issues and have some knowledge in this area, please consider a volunteer position with the WCA. We can be reached at:

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Committee of Adjustment decision re: 300 Richmond Road

Is now available in PDF format.

FYI, the application was denied.

Reminder re: public consultation concerning the closure of Golden Ave.

The consultation is tonight!

There's been a lot of buzz about this issue, so it should be an interesting evening. :)

Churchill Senior Centre (345 Richmond Road)
December 5, 2007
6:30 - 8:30 PM

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Public Consultation re: closure of Golden Avenue

Councillor Leadman is hosting a public consultation meeting with regards to
the closure of Golden Avenue between Richmond Road and Byron.

The meeting will be held on December 5th from 6:30 to 8:30pm at the
Churchill Senior Centre located at 345 Richmond Road.

(Please note, the following information is from the office of Councillor Leadman.)

Background Information:

The idea behind the road closure is to create a unique concept for the Richmond Road corridor to benefit the community and its residents. The portion of Golden Avenue in question was never intended as a roadway, it was originally a bus turnaround point until the 1990s. Closing this small portion of road will result in the extension of the Byron Linear Park for public use. It will connect Golden Avenue to the Mainstreet by extending the sidewalk and will create a gateway into the Richmond Road corridor.

As well this concept speaks to many important components of the Official Plan, such as the need to keep the movement of traffic on the arterial roadway or major collectors and the need to promote pedestrian and cycling activities. It will make our community much more attractive, unique and green.

The above sets the tone for the growth of communities within the urban core and particularly along the mainstreets that has experienced the highest level of intensification. This measure is put in place to promote growth but at the same time provide compatibility with the neighbouring community. It's intended to promote people, not cars.

Last call for Kitchissippi Ward Budget Meeting

Westboro residents are encouraged to come participate in a budget consultation hosted by Councillor Leadman.

It's tonight:

Thursday, November 29
7 to 9 p.m.
Churchill Seniors Centre
345 Richmond Road

Residents and businesses will also have an opportunity to make a presentation to all of Council from December 3 to 7, 2007.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Reminder: the WCA open forum is tomorrow night

This is a reminder about the Westboro Community Association Open Forum - Tuesday November 20 at 7:00 pm at All Saints/First United Church on Richmond Road at Churchill (enter from the back off Madison).

If you are a Westboro resident, this is your opportunity to give your Board of Directors some direction. We have already been busy with a number of community consultations as well as addressing business and residential development issues with the City, but we need to hear more from you so that we can set priorities for the coming year.

You are invited to meet the new Board of Directors and share concerns and ideas about issues affecting Westboro: including transportation, business and residential development, and greenspace. Kitchissippi Ward Councillor Christine Leadman will also be in attendance, ready to answer questions and hear feedback from community members.

Even if you weren't able to make it to our AGM, you are welcome to attend our community forum and become a member of the association.

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Shopwatch: so it's going to be an American Apparel

There's been quite a bit of speculation about what kind of store is going in the ground floor of the office building at 411 Roosevelt at Richmond Road. Ten years ago this space used to be a branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, after that it was a beauty supply store. Next up: American Apparel. You can read more about American Apparel here.

What do you think about this kind of chain moving into the Village?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Notice of public hearing re: 300 Richmond Road

(Click photo to enlarge.)

Proposal for street closure - Golden Ave.

(Click photo to enlarge.)

Monday, November 5, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Beyond Ottawa 20/20 ?

Ottawa residents are invited to participate in the City’s review of the Official Plan – an important part of the Beyond Ottawa 20/20 initiative. The Official Plan is reviewed every five years as directed by Ontario’s Planning Act.

Two supporting documents, the Transportation Master Plan and the Infrastructure Master Plan are included in the review.

City Council wants residents to have their say in how the city should manage its growth and take part in influencing the policies and strategic directions that guide the Official Plan and all the Master Plans.

To start the consultation process, staff have prepared a number of White Papers, which explain a variety of issues and options on topics such as intensification, transportation challenges, the environment and climate change.

Residents have also prepared Discussion Papers with recommendations for changes to the Official Plan and Master Plans as a result of the Rural Settlement Strategy Workshop held earlier this year.

For more info, as well as a schedule of upcoming events, go to the City of Ottawa website.

Also worth checking out: Ottawa Talks. Post your thoughts in this online forum. [Edited to add: wow - the forum is surprisingly complicated to use. Anyone try it out yet?]

Make sure you're heard: come out to our community forum

The Westboro Community association is hosting a special community forum on November 20th at All Saints Westboro/First United (7 p.m. at 347 Richmond Road). Westboro residents are invited to meet the new board, and share concerns and ideas.

This kind of event organization is very much a volunteer effort. Please help us spread the word. Thank you!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cash-in-lieu at Westboro Station

Word is that the parking requirements for 430 Richmond Road (Westboro Station) have been met by the Applicant and the application for Cash in Lieu has been withdrawn.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Do you live on Tweedsmuir Ave.?

If you live on Tweedsmuir Avenue between Richmond Road and Currell Avenue and see someone taking pictures of your home it's because the City has planned some infrastructure work for Tweedsmuir in 2008 (subject of course to budget restrictions)! You may see a new watermain and elimination of ditches.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Notice of Open House and PEC meeting

re: Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law

Click here to the text of this notice in PDF format.

Committee of Adjustment Notice of Public Hearing re: 269 Avondale

Will be held October 3 at 1 p.m.

Click here to view a copy of the notice in PDF format.

Friday, September 21, 2007

All Candidates Debate

Come ask your questions to the Provincial Candidates of Ottawa-Centre on Sunday, September 23, 7:00 - 9:30 pm at the Churchill Seniors Recreation Centre, 345 Richmond Road (west of Churchill). Seating is limited, please arrive early.

Moderated by Rita Celli, host of CBC Radio's Ontario Today and co-organized by the West Wellington Community Association and the Hampton-Iona Community Group. For more information, contact Judith Shane (613) 725-9147.

Ontario Electoral Reform

When Ontarians go to the polls on October 10th, we will have an historic opportunity via referendum to change how we elect our MPPs at Queen’s Park. Come find out why an assembly of ordinary citizens from across the province are recommending a new “Mixed Member Proportional” (MMP) voting system for Ontario and how it would improve our democracy.

When: Tuesday, September 25th

Time: 7:00 pm

Where: All Saints Anglican/First United Church, 347 Richmond Road (just west of Churchill) in Westboro

For more information, send an email to Wallace Beaton at or go to

Thursday, September 20, 2007

quick update re: the AGM

It was standing room only at last night's AGM. It was heartening to see how much interest there is out there in our community.

A new board was elected, our updated constitution was ratified, and we heard a great presentation from David Jeanes.

Meeting minutes will be posted soon.

A big thank-you to everyone who came out and to the committee members who helped organize this event.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Final reminder!

The Westboro Community Association AGM is tonight (Wednesday) at the Churchill Seniors Centre. The fun starts at 7:00 p.m. See you there!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Don't miss the Westboro Community Association's Annual General Meeting

Please forward this message to your friends and neighbors.

Our AGM will be on Wednesday September 19 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Churchill Seniors Centre at 345 Richmond Road. (Map here.)

On the agenda:

David Jeanes, VP of Heritage Ottawa and President of Transport 2000 Canada will also be speaking.

We'd like to encourage everyone to walk to the AGM. On-site parking is limited. Please note, if you are parking on-site, you must check in at the front desk. There is some street parking available.

Hope to see you there!

Friday, September 14, 2007

City Growth Projections presentation; Property Tax Report for review

1. A last-minute announcement has been received of an event entitiled "The Future of Ottawa's Growth - 2006-2031 Population Projections / La croissance future d'Ottawa - Projections démographiques 2006-2031". This event, to be held Monday September 17 from 6pm to 9pm at Festival Room at City Hall, appears to be the public release of city population projections in the context of revision of the Official Plan. The spoken presentation (presumably written material is available throughout) is to occur at 7pm. To attend the event you are to register by e-mail to by Friday Sept. 14 (i.e. instantly!!) No information about this event has been found on the city website.

2. The Property Tax Working Group has completed its report which can be found at .

The working group believe they have come up with a new system that is easier to understand, provides consistency and predictability to taxpayers, is transparent and, as a bonus, eliminates the need for MPAC and its associated expense. It differs from the current political party platforms, which are outlined in the document. Please review the proposal with your organization -- the working group would like to discuss and, if possible, approve it at the next FCA meeting on Sept 27. If you have questions, please forward them to Don Stewart, Chair of the Property Tax Working Group at

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Constitutional review

As part of the effort to revive the Westboro Community Association, the Steering Committee decided that it would be a good idea to review the Association’s Constitution/By-Laws to see if any changes should be made. The last time the Constitution was amended appears to be 1995, so a smaller working group was formed to review the existing document and recommend changes.

WCA was incorporated in 1977 and its By-Laws (also called a Constitution) set the “rules” for how the organization will operate, including rules about membership, election of directors, and financial matters.

Over the past few months, the working group discussed and drafted, and then presented a document to the Steering Committee, which is in support of the proposed changes. The new document is longer than the 1995 version, and we hope that it will help us to modernize and reinvigourate the Association in a positive manner. The proposed document will be presented at the AGM on September 19, 2007 and members will be asked to vote to accept the changes. Please take a moment to review the existing Constitution and the proposed replacement. (Revised copy is here in PDF format - original document is here.)

Please contact, or leave your comments below if you have any questions, concerns or comments on the proposed document. We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.

Friday, September 7, 2007

WCA handout

Thank you to the members of the WCA who have offered to distribute our leaflet in advance of the upcoming AGM.

Click here to download it in PDF format. (There are two per page.)

Anyone else willing to help spread the word, please contact us at

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Last call for tonight's meeting

The WCA will meeting tonight, Tuesday August 21 at the Westboro Market, 393 Richmond Rd., from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Please let us know if you'll be attending! We need to do a final tally. Our email address is

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Cash-in-lieu at the Bourke development?

Click here for a PDF of the Cash-in-Lieu Parking Proposal being considered by the City of Ottawa Planning, Transit and Environment Department for the Bourke Development... future home of Westboro Station on Richmond between Roosevelt and Golden Ave.

What do you think?

Email your comments to Douglas James of the Planning, Transit and Environment Department ( by August 15.

More information about cash-in-lieu of parking is available at the City of Ottawa website.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Next meeting

The next meeting of the WCA will be on Tuesday August 21 at the Westboro Market, 393 Richmond Rd., from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Please let us know if you'll be attending. Our email address is

Saturday, July 7, 2007

This is exactly what we need in Westboro: good food

This just in: MHK Sushi is opening a restaurant in the Westboro Exchange.

Friday, July 6, 2007

What would you like from your Community Association? Your input is wanted.

A subgroup of the Westboro Community Association Steering Committee is working together to reinvigorate the Westboro Community Association’s mission and update its constitution. Proposed changes will be published in advance of the WCA AGM on September 19, 2007.

We need to hear from the people of Westboro. What should be the WCA’s priorities? How should it go about meeting its objectives? What kind of organization do you think it should be? Do you want to see more parks, better roads, less infill development, more infill development, historical designations, social events, political connections, business links... We want to hear from you now.

Please send your comments to before August 18, 2007.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Development at 491 Richmond Road.

The pit that was dug just west of the Westboro Exchange is finally sporting some signage. It's going to be a luxury retirement residence.

Here's a view of it from Maplelawn garden:

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Westboro Community Design Plan update

Think first, Westboro developers told
The city has sent a clear message to Westboro developers: Think about what the community wants before you build.... [read the rest of the news story on the Ottawa Sun website.]

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Happy news for parents in Westboro

The wading pool at Dovercourt Recreation Centre will open June 28th ... from 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Check out the Dovercourt website for details and info about pool-related special events.

Meeting of the WCA

Thank you to everyone who came out to last night's meeting of the WCA. It was good to see a few new faces too!

Action items will be emailed ASAP to all members of the steering committee.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Meeting tonight!

... is scheduled for 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. on Monday June 25 (tonight!) at the home of one of our steering committee members. If you're interested in attending, please contact me at for the address.

Thank you!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Will the Westboro bakery stay in Westboro?

We Westborians are all a-tizzy about the fate of our dear little bakery. And with just cause. We need fresh bread and sandwiches!

It's early yet, but there's a potential deal in the works between Westboro Bakery and the owners of the Baker Street Cafe on Richmond Road. Nothing is final, but this might mean the bakery will end up with a space inside Baker Street. (Which, by the way, serves a fantastic breakfast between 7:oo - 3 p.m. Run, don't walk, and order their two egg breakfast. Or a cinnamon roll. They are made fresh daily.)

Despite some of the obvious overlap (the bakery and the restaurant both serve coffee and sandwiches) I hope something can be worked out.

The bakery's new location on Hinton is a go. Anyone have more details about it?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Richmond Road/Westboro Community Design Plan

The Richmond Road/Westboro Community Design Plan will be discussed at a meeting of the Planning and Environment committee at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday June 26. According to the agenda, the CDP is item #11.

If you're concerned about where Westboro is heading (and what it's going to look like within the next 25 years) you might find this of interest.
  • Read the report to PEC as submitted by Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager. Don't forget to scroll down to the bottom of the page. The summary of the comment sheets from the March open house might be of interest to some because they reflect many of our concerns... especially as it relates to green space and cut-through traffic.
  • Read related article in the Ottawa Citizen

What do you think about the CDP for Westboro?

Friday, June 15, 2007

La Maison Jeanne D'Arc - demolition in progress

The demise of Westboro village?

Check out this article online at the Ottawa Citizen for a bit of history and an interesting take on the latest changes affecting Westboro.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Canoes and Kayaks at Westboro Beach

Interested in trying canoeing or kayaking, but don't where to begin? You can try out a canoe or a kayak for free, most weeknights on the Ottawa River.
(More info available on the Ottawa Citizen website)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Meet and greet with Councillor Christine Leadman

This just in from the West Wellington Community Association:

Meet your City Councillor for an informal discussion of issues affecting your community. Everyone welcome!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Fisher Park Community Centre in Fisher Park School
250 Holland Avenue
8:00 pm

Friday, June 8, 2007

See you at Westfest?

The Westboro Community Association will have a table at this year's Westfest. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Westboro village updates

1) Westboro Bakery has found a temporary location on Hinton but they're looking for something closer to Westboro.

2) Westboro Market on Richmond Rd. is opening very soon now open! The paper is finally off the window and they have all their produce laid out and ready to sell. Finally, groceries in Westboro!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Demolition has begun....

... on the Maison Jeanne D'Arc on Kenwood Ave. They're starting from the back of the building. There will eventually be 19 homes on this property, designed by Barry Hobin and Associates.

(If you recall, only the main part of the building was given Heritage designation.)

Monday, June 4, 2007

Chinese Bible Church on Richmond is up for sale

WCA member Wallace Beaton spotted a for sale sign on the Chinese Bible Church at 381 Richmond Road.

FYI - it's going for a cool two million. Here's a real-estate listing, complete with photo.

Believe it or not, it used to be a theatre.

Here's a bit of the backstory from an email from Heritage Ottawa VP, David Jeanes.

"The Westboro Theatre, (3 photos in the book), at 381 Richmond Road, opened in 1941 and closed in 1955. It was a basic little auditorium building with a 494-seat faintly art deco interior. There was a taxi dispatch office at the front for Westboro taxi, a poster display case, a box office window, and the front door facing the street with a black and white tile façade and a flat neon sign instead of a marquee.

The theatre had no stage and was just for second-run movies. It was built as a labour of love by Ben Stapleton, who also built the once-majestic Centre Theatre on Sparks Street."

(This info is from a book by Alain Miguelez, “A Theatre Near You: 150 Years of Going to the Show in Ottawa Gatineau”, Penumbra Press, 2004, pages 246-249.)

Friday, June 1, 2007

Update on the Westboro bakery

As many of you have probably heard, Westboro Bakery has been struggling with massive rent increases. Five years ago their rent started at $700 a month, then it doubled to $1,500, and now it's going to $3,500 a month. Local resident Diane Van Oostdam has been circulating a petition to show Domicile, the owner of the building, that residents want to keep their bakery.

Diane had a final meeting with John Doran from Domicile recently, and the verdict is in. Westboro bakery will be closing at the end of June.

Westboro Station - retail rumours ?

Word on the street is that three business are moving into the ground floor of Westboro Station:
Holtz Spa, Harry Rosen, and (another?) Bridgehead coffee shop.

What are your thoughts? What kind of retail would you like to see in Westboro?

In Westboro this weekend

There's a lot happening around the 'hood this weekend! Although it isn't exclusive to Westboro, Doors Open Ottawa is a perennial fave. For more info, check out the City of Ottawa website.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Music in the Park

The 13th annual Music in the Park at Dovercourt will be taking place on Saturday June 2 from 11-2:00 p.m. More information is available here. The WCA will be at this event, so please drop by and say hello!

Unofficial minutes of the May 30 meeting

Here's a brief idea of what went down:

The next couple of months is about increasing membership.
- WCA will be at the upcoming Music in the Park event at Dovercourt. Look for us between 11-2 p.m. on Saturday June 2.
- WCA will also have a table & signup sheet at Westfest. Wallace and Andrea are going to develop a 1/2 page handout.

The goal is to host an AGM in late September (date TBA). In the meantime, we've divided ourselves into three groups:
  • communications, outreach, membership
  • Big picture/mission/constitution
  • AGM planning
We will reconvene at our next meeting, Monday June 25. Location TBD.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April 26th: the next meeting of the Westboro Community Association

Westboro residents know that this neighborhood is a fantastic place to live. There are lots of changes going on, that's why it’s so important to stay updated and get involved. When those big issues come up it’s best to stand as a group. That’s why you should consider joining your neighbours for a meeting of the Westboro Community Association.

The next one is scheduled this Thursday, April 26th in the Dovercourt boardroom at 7:00 p.m.