Friday, September 21, 2007

All Candidates Debate

Come ask your questions to the Provincial Candidates of Ottawa-Centre on Sunday, September 23, 7:00 - 9:30 pm at the Churchill Seniors Recreation Centre, 345 Richmond Road (west of Churchill). Seating is limited, please arrive early.

Moderated by Rita Celli, host of CBC Radio's Ontario Today and co-organized by the West Wellington Community Association and the Hampton-Iona Community Group. For more information, contact Judith Shane (613) 725-9147.

Ontario Electoral Reform

When Ontarians go to the polls on October 10th, we will have an historic opportunity via referendum to change how we elect our MPPs at Queen’s Park. Come find out why an assembly of ordinary citizens from across the province are recommending a new “Mixed Member Proportional” (MMP) voting system for Ontario and how it would improve our democracy.

When: Tuesday, September 25th

Time: 7:00 pm

Where: All Saints Anglican/First United Church, 347 Richmond Road (just west of Churchill) in Westboro

For more information, send an email to Wallace Beaton at or go to

Thursday, September 20, 2007

quick update re: the AGM

It was standing room only at last night's AGM. It was heartening to see how much interest there is out there in our community.

A new board was elected, our updated constitution was ratified, and we heard a great presentation from David Jeanes.

Meeting minutes will be posted soon.

A big thank-you to everyone who came out and to the committee members who helped organize this event.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Final reminder!

The Westboro Community Association AGM is tonight (Wednesday) at the Churchill Seniors Centre. The fun starts at 7:00 p.m. See you there!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Don't miss the Westboro Community Association's Annual General Meeting

Please forward this message to your friends and neighbors.

Our AGM will be on Wednesday September 19 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Churchill Seniors Centre at 345 Richmond Road. (Map here.)

On the agenda:

David Jeanes, VP of Heritage Ottawa and President of Transport 2000 Canada will also be speaking.

We'd like to encourage everyone to walk to the AGM. On-site parking is limited. Please note, if you are parking on-site, you must check in at the front desk. There is some street parking available.

Hope to see you there!

Friday, September 14, 2007

City Growth Projections presentation; Property Tax Report for review

1. A last-minute announcement has been received of an event entitiled "The Future of Ottawa's Growth - 2006-2031 Population Projections / La croissance future d'Ottawa - Projections démographiques 2006-2031". This event, to be held Monday September 17 from 6pm to 9pm at Festival Room at City Hall, appears to be the public release of city population projections in the context of revision of the Official Plan. The spoken presentation (presumably written material is available throughout) is to occur at 7pm. To attend the event you are to register by e-mail to by Friday Sept. 14 (i.e. instantly!!) No information about this event has been found on the city website.

2. The Property Tax Working Group has completed its report which can be found at .

The working group believe they have come up with a new system that is easier to understand, provides consistency and predictability to taxpayers, is transparent and, as a bonus, eliminates the need for MPAC and its associated expense. It differs from the current political party platforms, which are outlined in the document. Please review the proposal with your organization -- the working group would like to discuss and, if possible, approve it at the next FCA meeting on Sept 27. If you have questions, please forward them to Don Stewart, Chair of the Property Tax Working Group at

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Constitutional review

As part of the effort to revive the Westboro Community Association, the Steering Committee decided that it would be a good idea to review the Association’s Constitution/By-Laws to see if any changes should be made. The last time the Constitution was amended appears to be 1995, so a smaller working group was formed to review the existing document and recommend changes.

WCA was incorporated in 1977 and its By-Laws (also called a Constitution) set the “rules” for how the organization will operate, including rules about membership, election of directors, and financial matters.

Over the past few months, the working group discussed and drafted, and then presented a document to the Steering Committee, which is in support of the proposed changes. The new document is longer than the 1995 version, and we hope that it will help us to modernize and reinvigourate the Association in a positive manner. The proposed document will be presented at the AGM on September 19, 2007 and members will be asked to vote to accept the changes. Please take a moment to review the existing Constitution and the proposed replacement. (Revised copy is here in PDF format - original document is here.)

Please contact, or leave your comments below if you have any questions, concerns or comments on the proposed document. We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.

Friday, September 7, 2007

WCA handout

Thank you to the members of the WCA who have offered to distribute our leaflet in advance of the upcoming AGM.

Click here to download it in PDF format. (There are two per page.)

Anyone else willing to help spread the word, please contact us at