Saturday, July 7, 2007

This is exactly what we need in Westboro: good food

This just in: MHK Sushi is opening a restaurant in the Westboro Exchange.

Friday, July 6, 2007

What would you like from your Community Association? Your input is wanted.

A subgroup of the Westboro Community Association Steering Committee is working together to reinvigorate the Westboro Community Association’s mission and update its constitution. Proposed changes will be published in advance of the WCA AGM on September 19, 2007.

We need to hear from the people of Westboro. What should be the WCA’s priorities? How should it go about meeting its objectives? What kind of organization do you think it should be? Do you want to see more parks, better roads, less infill development, more infill development, historical designations, social events, political connections, business links... We want to hear from you now.

Please send your comments to before August 18, 2007.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Development at 491 Richmond Road.

The pit that was dug just west of the Westboro Exchange is finally sporting some signage. It's going to be a luxury retirement residence.

Here's a view of it from Maplelawn garden: